十大+N大理由不要买Itunes Match

郑爽 2018-11-14 00:11:12浏览次数:785  
10 Reasons why NOT purchase iTunes Match1. iTunes Match cannot handle large iTunes Libraries (over 25,000 songs)2. If you have multiple Mac's and you initiate iTunes Match on a Mac with a library of less than 25,000 songs and then try to 'join' iTunes Match with another Mac with over 25,000 songs it will not allow the second Mac to join iTunes Match.3. iTunes Match lost artwork for multiple albums in my library, on my Mac's hard drive.Can't figure out how or why.4. iTunes Match has lost enen more artwork when posting to iCloud.5. iTunes Match took over a week to upload my smaller music library of less than 15,000 songs6. iTunes Match did not 'match' songs that were purchased from iTunes under an older Apple ID, it instead uploaded them.7. iTunes Match will downgrade any songs over 256k down to 256k.8. iTunes Match will re-populate your iTunes library with every song you ever downloaded from iTunes, even if you deleted the song from your library.Ever download a 'Free single of the week' then delete it because it wasn't anything you wanted to keep?Well, they're back.9. Apple refuses to allow us to merge/combine Apple ID's that we may have used in the past.10. Apple will not refund your purchase for iTunes Match. Bonus:11.Google Music is a superior product at the moment and its cheaper by $24.99/yr.取自苹果官方论坛根据个人研究 在两天前购买了itunes match后 告诉到家这个绝对是鸡肋 可能乔布斯的理念不错 但目前为止很不完善首先你所有的盗版mp3无法更新正版的album插图, 专辑名称 或者是歌手 试想如果我们连听得是谁的歌曲 的信息都不知道还有什么意思呢 如果只是单纯的变为256kbs的aac的歌曲有什么意义呢 320kbs的mp3(qq音乐的绿钻下载)并不比256kbs的aac的有多大区别 用我的hifi播放时 反而觉得前者更好 其次中文匹配基本不可能 日文也是在iphone和ipad上面同步你云端歌曲然后下载到设备上花的时间 实在太长 还不如通过itunes同步歌曲快我是在法国使用match如果在国内网络因素更加严重 所以目前付费qq更加符合大中华的情况发布此帖避免被忽悠 更本不象广告里说的那样



倒不是诋毁 只是觉得很不完善


