尺寸描述: 产品总长CM,发热体长CM,电源线长2.5M
产品电压:110V-240V 50Hz-60Hz(全球通用电压)
3 进口电线,国际标准线蕊.
(Company Pofile)
广州市凯永斯美发用品公司自组建以来,坚待“紧跟市场、求变求新、顾客至上、尽善尽美&dquo;的宗旨,我们本着:高品位、低价格、的方针,以人为本、严格管理、技术为先、完善品质、诚信交期的创业之路。经过十几年不断努力,目前公司占地面积2000多平方米,公司职工100多人,并拥有一支实力雄厚、经验丰富、技术精湛、管理严谨的生产管理队伍,具备一流的进口专业设备、精密检测仪器与自动化生产线。同时公司还与国内外公司进行OEM、ODM等商业合作,取得丰硕成果和丰富的运做经验。 公司主要生产凯永斯品牌直发器、卷发器、电吹风等专业美发产品。在产品质量上,严格控制生产、装配、检测等工序。公司秉持“高品质、低价格&dquo;的方针,不断提高产品质量。产品质量在近年的发展过程中,公司一直强调、宣传和贯彻“以诚相待、以信相对、互惠互利、共同发展、与客人共双赢&dquo;的原则,提倡“以人品造精品,以诚信求发展&dquo;的理念,树立坚待可持继发展,创建客户满意收获的凯永斯信念。 卓越的公司产品,为您的生活增彩添色!
Guangzhou city Kaiyongsi haidessing supplies since the fomation of the company, adhee to " keep up with the maket, change and novelty, each the acme of pefection, custome fist " pupose, we have the spiit of: high quality, low pice, policy, people-oiented, stict management and technology as the fist, impove the quality, integity and delivey way. Afte ten yeas of continuous effots, the company coves an aea of 2000 squae metes, the company employees moe than 100 people, and has a stong, expeienced, skilled, stict management of poduction management team, fist-class impots of pofessional equipment, sophisticated detection equipment and automatic poduction line. At the same time, the company also with the domestic and foeign companies such as OEM, ODM business coopeation, fuitful and ich opeational expeience.The company mainly poduces Kaiyongsi band hai staightenes, hai cule, hai dye and othe pofessional salon poducts. In poduct quality, and stictly contol the poduction, assembly, testing and othe pocesses. Company uphold the pinciple of " high-quality, low pice" policy, and constantly impove poduct quality. Poduct quality in ecent yeas the development pocess, the company has been emphasized, advocacy and implementation of the " Yichengxiangdai, elative to the lette, mutual benefit, common development, and the guests a total win-win " pinciple, advocate "chaacte to ceate quality, integity and development " concept, establish adhee to sustainable development, to ceate custome satisfaction with the havest the Kaiyongsi belief.Excellent poducts, fo you life to add colo to add colo!