合作热线/微信:13827376525 徐先生 15919524572 郑先生 15919554704 郑小姐QQ:283825863 122707536
GuangdongXingong GoupCo., Ltd is a lage scale ceative entepise,collection of Household appliances poduction,Medical poduction,Tea poduction & sell, Agofoestyconstuctionand development.Thegoup has thee subsidiaiesincludingGuangdongXingong Electical AppliancesCo., Ltd.、GuangdongXingongPhamaceutical Co., Ltd.and Raoping County Geat Foest AgicultueDevelopment Co., Ltd.,itsscopeof businesscosses a lot of fields such as electicalindusty,medicine andhealthcae,agicultue and foesty.TheHead office tedin Raoping county Guangdong Povincewhee isclosedtoShenHaihighwayof Raopingexit,sothe taffic isveyconvenient.The companyowns plantsmoe than 200aces, the factoy building is moe than 80,000 squae metes,withcompletelycoollay equipment, havingmoe than40 patentsand stongpoduction and development ability.